LEA International Network provides unique access to a substantial global community of LEAs with a rich and diverse range of local, regional, national and international agencies. With existing partners LEAs across the EU and beyond EU borders, the network offers unique dissemination and exploitation opportunities and bespoke insights to capture critical end-user requirements.
Legal & Ethics Team of internationally recognised professionals bring a wealth of expertise to guide and advise complex security and policing research and innovation programmes. With substantial knowledge of developing legal and ethical frameworks for international security research, the team has unique expertise in data protection, privacy and human rights and the ethics of bio-metrics, facial recognition, big-data analytics and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Training Team of professionally qualified teachers and trainers skilled in the design, development and delivery of learning experiences from the expert facilitation of workshops, virtual training and large-scale multi-agency disaster and crisis exercise programmes to stress-test the use of technology and techniques with simulated operational scenarios in challenging environments
Communications Team of professionally qualified public relations and marketing experts with substantial expertise of strategic communication and dissemination functions within the security domain. The Communications Team bring considerable knowledge and experience of developing and delivering online social media communication strategies for security research and innovations.
Security Industry Network provides unique access to a substantial global community of security industry leaders and innovators with a rich range of partners across public and private sectors including technical and engineering companies to government critical infrastructure authorities. The network offers unique opportunities for exploitation of innovations to the security and policing marketplace.