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For more details please download our EU Project partner profile
Our expertise lies in the security domain and linking new security and safety technologies to the operational reality and challenges faced by practitioners operating in the domain. We focus on new and emerging threats.
Key company directors have worked on research projects funded by national and European funding bodies such as Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
Moving from innovation to reality in terms of operational implementation requires bespoke training following well established principles of instruction.
Our training expertise focuses on the need to train both those on the operational frontline, and those who will take future responsibility for disseminating training. Hence our training looks to deliver tailor made content that is focused on meeting prescribed learning outcomes ensuring that KPIs are monitored with the rigorous implementation of training evaluation metrics. We offer exceptional opportunities to increase knowledge, resilience and stress-test operational capabilities through the design, development and delivery of training including the embedding of ‘real life’ based scenarios.
Saher has developed global security contacts and works with technology companies to market their developed products and services. Through the security industry worldwide we have developed many contacts who are in the market for leading edge solutions. In addition to these contacts we undertake targeted commercial market research on behalf of technology companies. We work to introduce technology companies to appropriate potential customers where the solution will be of benefit to them. Have you developed a new, innovative product/service which could be used in the security and safety domain? If so we can find you likely customers for your products /services using our intimate, professional knowledge of this area. We have an ever growing base of customers actively looking to invest in new technology whose needs your organisation may be able to meet .We can save you time and money by identifying those who are most likely to purchase your products. If we don’t immediately have potential customers on our database we will work tirelessly and swiftly on your behalf, drawing from our extensive network in this sector, to identify and contact prospective customers.